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International Day of Happiness

We all want to be happy right? Well given that today is the official International Day of Happiness, I’m going to do my bit and try to put a smile on your face.


Regardless of whether you woke up in a foul mood or are already feeling positive this morning this post will give you a boost with all it’s happiness related content. Let’s get to it!

Advertisers tell us that happiness comes from buying and consuming their products. Celebrities and the media pretend it comes with beauty & fame. Politicians claim that nothing matters more than growing the economy. But what does the latest happiness research show?


These Ten Keys to Happier Living are based on an extensive review of the latest findings from the science of wellbeing. They are all areas which research shows tend to make a big difference to our happiness and are within our control.


There’s a glut of information online about how to cultivate happiness for yourself and others, so I’ve pulled out a couple of the best, science / evidence based articles on the topic:

Once you get into this stuff you’ll notice a bunch of common themes.

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As you can see from the evidence, the topic is much better understood now than even 10-20 years ago, but if that angle ain’t your bag, that’s fine, you don’t need to get into the science to have fun, laugh or smile.

Sometimes all it takes is a picture of a cute dog…

 happiness is…a warm puppy. Charles M. Schultz

… a reminder of how complex yet ridiculous cats can be…


… or some good old fashioned toilet humour (this had me laughing out loud on the train home last night. Oh and make sure to check out the topics he listed for the post at the bottom too – pure genius):


If you want to put a smile on someone’s face today then do something about it!

  1. Pass on the link to this blog post (that would put a smile on my face!)

  2. Smile at a stranger (or flash them your boobs – strangers love boobs!)

  3. Join a movement like the International Day of Happiness

  4. Take the Action for Happiness pledge

  5. Tell your colleagues a joke


Be the person who brings happiness into the room today.

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